Tuesday, August 10, 2010

why are there followers on this blog when i barely update it? LOL
anyways, i'm just here to say that i'll be moving back into the lovely gates of lyricalsteps soon. i've been gone from writing for far too long.

thank you for reading :)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


was walking home from the LRT yesterday,
and this group of little boys were playing badminton outside their house.

wei aku nak jadi Lin Dan ah, Lin Dan power
takpe, aku nak jadi Lee Chong Wei, dia lagi terrer

i smiled to myself because the kids were all Malay and Indian.
it doesn't make sense to you, but somehow, it did to me

Sunday, May 9, 2010

i learnt something

when you really believe in yourself,
you don't have to bring other people down.
-Quinn Fabray

Thursday, May 6, 2010

can't fight this feeling

blogging from the computer lab. hello hello!

so far, college has been awesome. i really love it here at HELP. the people here are great and the environment is great too. i actually, never thought that i would end up in this college. i mean, when i was young, all i wanted to do was to go overseas. eh, don't tell me you never dreamed k.  i know that i've only been here for two weeks but if i were to recommend anyone a college, i'd say come here. :))

i'm not able to update often because my home internet crashed.

i'll be back soon :)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

dancing with myself

i'm starting to question my action of stopping lyricalsteps months ago.
i knew very well that i simply loved writing my mind out whenever i could, thus being an active blogger who updates so often that i don't understand how people can bother to read.

so velvetpapers has been existing for a while now.
yet, i have written nothing satisfactory. well, to me lah.
i won't say that i have became inspirationless; but i have definitely lost a little grip of that feeling of being touched emotionally easily. and the thought of it and its possibility scares me.

then i begin wondering as well;
maybe it was necessary that i took a break from writing.

i'm in a new place, in a new and almost empty mind.
i will be beginning a new journey; college. in exactly one week.
maybe it was good that i detached myself from the old page.

i'm ready to start new.
and i'm ready to defy gravity.

Monday, April 12, 2010

keep me hanging on

i was actually going to write something very serious.
but i let it go.
and decided to just write about my day today, in simple.

watched Harry Potter with the best friend, had some soup, went out for a cycle and a jog with the dog together. :)

its the simplest happy things like these that i should be spending more of my time treasuring, instead of thinking of the less important things in life that i usually waste time depressing about. thank you for making me simply happy :))

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

there's a reason why i'm not finishing 'my priority' as fast as you want it.

its not what i want.
its what YOU want. and what YOU need
please, please, please stop bugging.
i do know when i will finish it.

go on and say that we don't care about you.
truth is, you don't even care about us.
you don't care about what i really want,
so why should i care about you and your selfish needs?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

so, i was eating breakfast this morning with my mom and some other aunties.
and one of them, whose grandson is Rowan, is super super super cute. he was having his breakfast consisting of steamed fishballs right across me at the table.

and let me tell you why.

okay, you know how babies/toddlers are usually very adorable... and we don't really notice it, but most of them ARE adorable because they look kind of dumb and spaced out. Rowan, however, was an intelligent looking 3 year old boy. i don't mean to offend anyone who has a spaced-out-cute toddler/baby or know any spaced-out-cute toddler/baby but it just really got to me this morning.

he had bright eyes, he was focused the whole time, he sat up straight on his chair, and didn't speak baby jabber. or maybe it was just that i caught him on a good day. but then again, how often do you come across babies who don't speak baby jabber!? its the most adorable thing, i am telling youuuu!

the world needs more intelligent looking babies.

and oh, Glee needs be to everyone's favourite tv show as well.
period. :)

Friday, April 2, 2010

sometimes, we trick ourselves into believing that things have changed.
that some people have grown out of their idiocy and inanity.
we let the bad encounters slip away, we forget them, and just label them as 'unfortunate events'.

but no.
the ugly truth is that.... sometimes, some people don't change.
they remain immature, conceited, and just shitty.
and these people, cannot give a damn of how they make you feel.

until this day, i still cannot fully understand how such people exist.
i have been tricking myself into believing that maybe these people were having a bad day, or maybe its just a case of wrong timing and the wrong place.

now i'm back n the other side.
and i refuse to make up excuses for people.

some people. are just. pathetic.
and with that, i am the real winner


Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Just a little starstrukk.


anyone can believe that i now follow this blog because this person is famous.

she's on tv, she is an actress, and she's beautiful.

but if only people could grasp the infinite depth of a mind that she has,
then people would really understand why i follow her page.

i don't think anyone can understand. 


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Ocean Eyes

i always wondered what would it be like if trees had minds.
if they had lives of their own.

can you imagine them talking about the weather? sharing stories about dogs that pee on them, competing with each other on who gets the most sunlight or whose trunk gets covered the most with paper advertisements and leaflets.

there could be a total movie made out of it as well. how two baby plants grew next to each other and ended up falling in love, but another baby plant that grew nearby started having affection for Wallace ( yeah, i've already named the two tree characters ) and bam, this whole love triangle occurs.

and then there would be parental issues on which tree got to marry which tree, because of its differentiation in species. some don't produce enough leaves, some of them don't have stable roots, and some are of different colour. eh, racism can exist in the floral world too kayh. you think all tree barks are nice and light brown

then if more trees of different species got married, then the new generation of trees would be spectacular, don't you think?

but it would be sad too because we WILL see a higher level of forest destruction in the future. so trees would most likely be talking bout relatives' painful deaths and such in the future. *sigh* trees need to be granted better lives.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Keeping busy.

I haven't written anything and i already have followers!?

wah, you guys too much.
but i am so flattered. ahaks ;p

as many may not know, i've been working part time for MYC selling Nescafe tins at colleges and universities. RM3 for two tins yo! Nescafe drinkers like me damn sibeh happy kay if there was such offer. its been quite an experience because 1)i myself have not chosen a college to enter yet and 2) MMU Cyberjaya had a lot of angmoh leng chai.

i swear,
i saw this guy who looked like Teddy Geiger/Jason Castro,
and i completely forgot what to say.

he smiled and he walked pass me.
i looked up to God and said 'wow'.

today is my last day at Taylor's Hartamas.
great campus, not so great number of people due to the SAM semester holiday.
i'm gonna go to Chillies and eat like kambing now :)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

blog post number 0.

i'm back ;)